Blog Update

For a Happier New Year, Try This!

There is something scintillating about the clean slate of a new year, a chance to finally do what we think we should: exercise more, drink less, lose weight, quit smoking, get organized.Sadly, the terrific intentions of New Year’s resolutions usually deflate within days or weeks, as we fall back into baseline behaviors that leave us feeling dissatisfied, guilty, disappointed, maybe even resigned and hopeless. This is the depressing outcome of many high hopes for the new year.

Fortunately, scientific studies have identified strategies that really do increase happiness. In The How of Happiness, social psychologist Sonia Lyubomirsky summarizes the positive thoughts and behaviors that characterize happy people: nurturing relationships, expressing gratitude, cultivating optimism, being physically active, savoring the present moment. She also lists other characteristics, as well as specific steps to enhance each of these. Lyubomirsky suggests that much of happiness has to do with innate personality characteristics and specific life circumstances-but 40% of our happiness is up to us.

How do these translate to daily life? Letting people know that you like/love/admire/respect/appreciate them;  imagining positive outcomes to difficult situations;  walking whenever you have a chance;  paying attention to what you see and hear and feel in the present moment. These are the thoughts and behaviors in the present that will naturally guide you to more positive feelings in the new year. These will make an enduring, authentic difference in how you feel about yourself and others. Best of all, these are all under your control. So think about how you’d like to feel, and choose yourself a Happier New Year!

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