Why Talking Matters

Every couple says “We need to communicate better.”  But do you know why?  Sure, it’s important to say how you feel, and understand her feelings–that helps you feel closer.  And also, there’s an even more important reason to talk.

Talking about something makes it real–not just to another person, but to yourself.  Talking let’s you hear yourself and realize what you’re really feeling and wanting.  You can understand what’s going on and how it affects you.

Therein lies the problem–and the solution!  Sometimes talking makes you realize you don’t like something, and want a change.  And change is threatening.  But guess what-change happens anyway.   That’s just life–people are always getting older, plants are always growing, knowledge keeps expanding.  Better to be an active agent in your own changes, by knowing what’s real for you.  And talking is what helps you get real.

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